The Social Worlds Created by Gaming

Understand how gaming fosters social connections and communities. Learn about the positive social interactions and friendships formed through gaming.

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About this Category

Gaming often serves as a social platform where players connect and build lasting relationships. This session explores how gaming facilitates teamwork, communication, and community building. We'll discuss the benefits of these social interactions and how they contribute to personal development and a sense of belonging.

Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Dr. Lester Clowes

Dr. Lester Clowes

Dare to Dad

Dr. Bobo Blankson

Dr. Bobo Blankson

Girls to Women/Young Men's Health and Wellness, Dare to Dad

Andy Pattison

Andy Pattison

Director of Digital Channels, World Health Organization

Dr. Kimberly Voll

Dr. Kimberly Voll

CEO, Brace Yourself Games | TIGG

Mx. Ash Brandin

Mx. Ash Brandin

The Gamer Educator

Katie Briggs

Katie Briggs

President, LANFest

Jennifer Kaberi

Jennifer Kaberi

Founder, Mtoto News

Dr. Zhiying (Zoey) Yue

Dr. Zhiying (Zoey) Yue

Research Scientist, Digital Wellness Lab


Global Connections: Gaming Across World Cultures

October 25, 2024, 04:20 PM
Andy Pattison Jennifer Kaberi Kimberly Voll Bobo Blankson

Gaming & Loneliness: Building Connections in the Digital Age

October 25, 2024, 07:40 PM
Bobo Blankson Zhiying (Zoey) Yue Lester Clowes

Connecting Through Play: The Social Impact of Gaming

October 26, 2024, 05:00 PM
Katie Briggs Kimberly Voll Bobo Blankson Ash Brandin

Ender Gaming Club

Virtual gaming club for kids

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