Katie Briggs Ash Brandin Kimberly Voll

Connecting Through Play: The Social Impact of Gaming

A Talk by Mx. Ash Brandin , Katie Briggs and Dr. Kimberly Voll

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About this Talk

Do video games make your kids antisocial? Absolutely not. In fact, the gaming ecosystem is offering deeper and richer opportunities for kids to meet new kids, collaborate and problem solve together, interact with diverse cultures - all perhaps more than ever before.

October 26, 2024, 05:00 PM

Speaker Panels

05:00 PM - 05:40 PM

About The Speakers

Ash Brandin

Mx. Ash Brandin

The Gamer Educator

Innovative educator and speaker on the intersection between gaming & education

Katie Briggs

Katie Briggs

President, LANFest

President of LANFest & wife/mom to 4 gamers

Kimberly Voll

Dr. Kimberly Voll

CEO, Brace Yourself Games | TIGG

CEO, Game Designer & Consultant | Dedicated to wellness in gaming


Bobo Blankson

Dr. Bobo Blankson

Girls to Women/Young Men's Health and Wellness, Dare to Dad

Founder of Young Men's Health & Wellness, an adolescent medical practice in Dallas, TX. Cohost of the Dare to Dad podcast.

Bobo Blankson

Ender Gaming Club

Virtual gaming club for kids

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