Leading the Charge: Esports, Academics, and the Future of Collegiate Gaming

Hosted by Dr. Bobo Blankson and Dr. Lester Clowes

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About this Talk

In this engaging fireside chat, Lester and Bobo sit down with Pierce Ray, President of Texas A&M Esports, to explore his journey in gaming and leadership. Pierce shares insights on balancing academics with esports, the value of teamwork, and the future of collegiate esports programs. This discussion provides valuable perspectives for parents, educators, and aspiring esports professionals.

October 26, 2024, 05:40 PM


05:40 PM - 06:20 PM


Bobo Blankson

Dr. Bobo Blankson

Girls to Women/Young Men's Health and Wellness, Dare to Dad

Founder of Young Men's Health & Wellness, an adolescent medical practice in Dallas, TX. Cohost of the Dare to Dad podcast.

Bobo Blankson

Lester Clowes

Dr. Lester Clowes

Dare to Dad

A life & leadership coach that has directly impacted thousands through work focused on parenting, systems, communication, influence-building, and much more.

Ender Gaming Club

Virtual gaming club for kids

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