Katie Briggs Kimberly Voll Jeron Artest Steve Abeyta

Beyond the Screen: Exploring Diverse Careers in the Gaming Industry

A Talk by Jeron Artest , Katie Briggs , Steve Abeyta and Dr. Kimberly Voll

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About this Talk

Yes, your child can totally have a career in the gaming world. There is so much out there, beyond simply "design"! The gaming world is growing at an exponential pace, and this your chance to learn what's occurring from those living it daily.

October 26, 2024, 07:00 PM

Speaker Panels

07:00 PM - 07:40 PM

About The Speakers

Jeron Artest

Jeron Artest

CEO & Founder, Test Jar Labs

Game Designer & Researcher, Gaming Advocate, College Athlete

Katie Briggs

Katie Briggs

President, LANFest

President of LANFest & wife/mom to 4 gamers

Steve Abeyta

Steve Abeyta

Discipline Art Director, Activision Blizzard

Art Director for many of gaming's largest franchises

Kimberly Voll

Dr. Kimberly Voll

CEO, Brace Yourself Games | TIGG

CEO, Game Designer & Consultant | Dedicated to wellness in gaming


Bobo Blankson

Dr. Bobo Blankson

Girls to Women/Young Men's Health and Wellness, Dare to Dad

Founder of Young Men's Health & Wellness, an adolescent medical practice in Dallas, TX. Cohost of the Dare to Dad podcast.

Bobo Blankson

Ender Gaming Club

Virtual gaming club for kids

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