Dr. Kimberly Voll
CEO, Brace Yourself Games | TIGG CEO, Game Designer & Consultant | Dedicated to wellness in gaming
About this speaker
A former principal game designer at Riot Games, today Kim is CEO at Brace Yourself Games in Vancouver, Canada. She also co-founded TIGG, the Thriving in Games Group (formerly Fair Play Alliance) in 2017, a cross-industry collaboration to empower game developers worldwide with the tools to create safer, more inclusive gaming experiences and help players and communities thrive. Today TIGG comprises hundreds of gaming companies from around the world all united in this mission. To help make this knowledge widely accessible, she co-produced the Digital Thriving Playbook, a free online resource that provides game developers with practical strategies for building thriving and healthy game communities. Kim also holds an honours degree in cognitive science and a PhD in computer science.